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Selina Kyle (also known by her alias Catwoman) is the main protagonist in Catwoman by Sarah J Maas.

Physical Description[]

Selina has tanned skin due to her two years in Italy with the League of Assassin’s all-girl school. Her hair is naturally dark, however, when she becomes Holly Vanderhees she dyes her hair blonde. She has green, cat-like eyes.


Selina has a cautious, and cunning nature, and she is very protective of those she loves. Despite her job as an assassin, Selina will try everything in her power to not kill someone unless she is forced to by the people around her. Selina will do anything for her sister, and puts Maggie’s happiness and well being above her own.


Selina worked under Carmine Falcone in a ring fighting group named the Leopards. Her job, along with the rest of the Leopards, was to compete in the ring against men who were trying to pay off their debts against Falcone, if the men lost they were killed.

The reason Selina worked for Falcone was to pay the bills for her sister Maggie's medical treatment, due to the fact their mother spent a lot of time with abusive men and cared little for Selina and Maggie’s well beings. This lead to Selina kicking their mother out of the family home.

After a bad fight, the police turn up at Selina’s door with a social worker. It turns out that they want to take Selina and Maggie into a group home because the police found out that they have been neglected by their mother.

Maggie then tries to run from the house but is stopped by one of the police officers. Selina then attacks both police offers and knocks one of them out. However while taking out the other officer, the first officer wakes up and tasers Selina.

Selina wakes up in the police officers facing charges of assault on two officers and due to her upcoming 18th Birthday, being tried as an adult. This is where Selina meets Talia al Ghul, who offers her a deal. Selina will go to school in Italy and have her skills homed to become one of the top assassins and work for the League Assassins. Selina agrees and asks in return that her sister is put into a good home.

The story then picks up two years later when Selina returns to Gotham under the name of Holly Vanderhees. Who is meant to be from old money, parents deceased, no siblings, and net worth in the billions. Obviously, it is all a cove that allows Selina to complete her personal mission.

During one of Selina’s robberies as Catwoman, she encounters Poison Ivy. Ivy and Selina decide to form a team, however, Selina insists that Ivy convinces Harley Quinn to join their little team up as well. This is because of Ivy and Harley’s rumored past.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • League of Assassins training: Selina trained with the League of Assassins in Italy for two years, gaining skills in combat, espionage, and homicide.
  • Gymnastics: Selina trained as a gymnast from a young age. She states that the balance beam was her favorite activity, despite most of her teammates dreading and fearing it.


  • Death Mask: Provided by the League of Assassins, Selina’s helmet is modified to look like a cat head. The audio receptors are shaped like cat ears. The helmet also contains large eyes.
  • Cat Suit: Provided by the League of Assassins, Selina’s all-black cat suit is used during her undercover missions. The suit contains climbing gloves, which have dagger-sharp claws at the fingers.
  • Bullwhip: Provided by the League of Assassins, Selina’s weapon of choice is her bullwhip.


  • Kyle Apartment: The Kyle’s apartment in Gotham City. The apartment was owned by their mother, but Selina and Maggie Kyle lived in the apartment by themselves most of the time.
  • Falcone’s Business: Where Selina worked for Carmine Falcone and his ring fighting group the Leopards, in his underground gaming warren.
  • The League of Assassins Sanctuary: Where Selina trained for two years to become a master combatant, spy, and assassin. The Sanctuary is in Italy.
  • Holly Vanderhees Apartment: The apartment used for Selina’s undercover mission as Holly Vanderhees in Gotham City.



  • Maggie Kyle: Selina's younger sister who suffers from cystic fibrosis. Selina is extremely protective of her sister, and has given up nearly everything to keep her sister safe.
  • Maria Kyle: Selina and Maggie’s mother. Not much is known about her, she is not prominent in either of her daughter’s lives and she is in prison for unknown reasons. She is a drug addict, so her arrest is likely something related.
  • Unnamed Father: Selina never met her father, she doesn’t even know his name. All she knows is that her mother met him through a friend at a party.

Friends & Allies[]

  • Poison Ivy: To be added.
  • Harley Quinn: To be added.
  • The Leopards: A group of ring fighters that Selina was a part of who work like a pack of animals. Mika is an Alpha, while Ani is her second.


  • Nyssa al Ghūl: The headmistress of the League of Assassins and Selina’s teacher for two years while in Italy. She taught Selina bloodshed and battle.
  • Talia al Ghūl: Nyssa’s half-sister, who picks up Selina from the police department and takes her to Italy. She taught Selina politics and strategy.
  • Carmine Falcone: Selina’s former boss and the owner of an underground gaming warren. Runs


  • Luke Fox: To be added.
  • Bruce Wayne: To be added.


External Links[]